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Nonlinear Resonance Non-Destructive Test Equipment & Services

Abstract of the Offer

UK-based SME offers new NDT technology capable of finding flaws which no other NDT can detect (including XCT). Early-stage detection of crack-like features and other precursors to critical failure, where the separation between flaw faces is of the order 1-10um.


Excites and detects nonlinear behaviour of crack-like flaws (including delaminations, kissing bonds, AM lack-of-fusion) in critical structures. Uses sound and ultrasound, unaffected by surface roughness.

Advantages and Innovations

NDT technology capable of finding flaws which no other NDT can detect (including XCT). Early-stage detection of crack-like features and other precursors to critical failure, where the separation between flaw faces is of the order 1-10um. No health & safety issues, rapid test time (order of 1 minute per part). Part size up to 200 x 200 x 200mm.


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