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Prepare for Space

ESA's Prepare for Space initiative is here to help UK companies break into the space industry. Our goal is to leverage innovative technologies from various sectors to benefit the commercial goals of the Agency. We also aim to streamline the on-boarding process into ESA programmes by offering tailored training to help businesses understand and respond to ESA's opportunities and calls.

In simpler terms, ESA Prepare for Space is designed to support businesses in creating strong proposals and business cases, speeding up the contracting process, and enhancing commercial viability, technical strength, and programme coherence. This leads to better engagement with start-ups and SMEs, an improved return on investment, and a stronger space industrial ecosystem.

In the UK, TWI Ltd is the ESA Technology Broker, managing and implementing the Prepare for Space open call. We are looking for applications that need business support services like market analysis, funding guidance, networking opportunities, marketing, IP strategy, and export control checks and training. On the technical side, we offer technology assessment, space qualification guidance, prototyping, testing, collaborative research, technology transfer guidance, and training workshops.

These services aim to help businesses navigate the complexities of the space industry and maximise their project's potential. If you are interested in applying, or simply have more questions, please get in touch to setup a first meeting with the team at TWI Ltd.

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