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Event: Connecting UK Industry to Space Sector Opportunities

Thu, 22 August, 2024

Join us for a launch event exploring the opportunities that are available for UK industry in the space sector.

TWI has been appointed as a UK Technology Broker for the European Space Agency (ESA), so we can help provide routes for companies and organisations in UK industry to expand into the space industry.

There are many parallels between the work of many industry sectors with the aims of the space industry – offering a great potential for mutually beneficial partnerships in terrestrial and space-focused innovation, research, manufacture, and development.

Whether you are an SME looking to explore the potential of space technologies, a start-up eager to present your innovations, or an established business seeking to expand into new markets, our upcoming launch event is an unparalleled opportunity for UK companies to connect with the space sector.

Offering you direct access to the support and resources you need, our event will allow you to network with industry leaders, explore collaboration opportunities, and discover how our work as an ESA Technology Broker can help you navigate the space industry landscape.


The ESA Technology Broker UK Launch Event, ‘The Space Opportunity: Connecting UK Industry to Space through ESA Technology Brokerage,’ is taking place from 9:00-15:30 BST on 15 October, 2024 at TWI Cambridge.

Don’t miss this chance to position your company at the forefront of the UK's space industry growth – find out more about the planned programme of events and register to attend this exclusive event, here.